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教育 2023年09月14日 15:10 122 琥珀街作者


When it comes to universities in the UK, there are plenty of renowned and prestigious institutions that come to mind. However, what about the other end of the spectrum? The universities that are known for their lack of quality education, poor facilities and sub-par student experiences. These are known as "garbage universities" or "mickey mouse universities" in the UK.

List of UK Garbage Universities

Here's a list of some of the most infamous "garbage universities" in the UK:

The University of Bolton

The University of Bolton is a public university located in Greater Manchester in the North West of England. It has been widely criticised for poor teaching standards, inadequate resources, and a lack of investment in its facilities. It has also been rated the worst university in the country for student satisfaction.

The University of Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire is a public university based in Luton, Bedfordshire. It has been criticised for its lack of academic rigour, particularly in the social sciences, and its focus on vocational courses. Student feedback has highlighted issues with teaching quality and a lack of support from university staff.

The University of East London

The University of East London is a public university located in Stratford and Docklands, East London. It has been criticised for low entry requirements and poor academic standards. In 2017, it was ranked the worst university in the country for teaching quality according to the Times Higher Education Supplement.

The University of Sunderland

The University of Sunderland is a public university located in Sunderland, North East England. It has been criticised for low academic standards, particularly in relation to its business and law courses. It has also been rated the worst university in the country for student experience.

The University of Wales

The University of Wales is a federal university with institutions spread across Wales. It has been widely criticised for its lack of academic rigour and low entry requirements. In 2011, it was revealed that a number of overseas students had been awarded degrees without attending classes or taking exams.


While these universities may be considered the bottom of the pile, it's important to remember that they still offer degrees and qualifications. However, it's vital for students to do their research and take into account a university's reputation and student satisfaction ratings when making their decision.


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