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教育 2023年09月15日 22:21 53 琥珀街作者


Studying in the UK can be a great experience for students who aspire to study abroad. However, the academic environment in the UK can be challenging, and some students may face some struggles with their coursework and exams. If you happen to fail a module or two during your UK preparatory course or 'pre-sessional' course, it might seem daunting at first, but know that this is not the end of the world, and there are ways to overcome this hurdle. This article will provide you with some guidance on how to tackle this challenge effectively.

Assess Your Situation

The first thing you should do if you fail a module in your preparatory course is to assess your situation objectively. This includes understanding the reason(s) you failed your module(s). Was it due to lack of preparation, misunderstanding the course material, or perhaps other personal factors affecting your studies? It's crucial to identify the root cause(s) of the problem to come up with an effective plan of action.

Talk to Your Tutor

Another step you can take is to speak with your tutor or academic advisor. They can provide you with valuable feedback about your coursework and exams, and identify any areas that you may need to improve in. Your tutor can also suggest suitable resources such as additional reading materials or tutoring sessions to help you catch up with the course or module(s) you failed.

Seek Additional Support

If necessary, you may want to consider other forms of support such as a private tutor or extra academic resources. There are plenty of resources available, such as online videos, academic websites, and specialised academic support services. These resources can help you gain a better understanding of the course material and improve your exam-taking skills. It's always worth exploring your options to find the best approach to tackle the course material and pass your modules.

Retake the Exam

If you failed a module(s), you might have the option to resit or retake the exam or coursework. Check with your academic advisor or the course coordinator to understand your options. If you do get the opportunity to retake the module(s), it's essential to take advantage of this option by working even harder to ensure that you pass the second-time round. Be sure to take advantage of the support options you have available as mentioned earlier in this article.

Consider Other Courses or Universities

If you feel like you're struggling in the course or subject area, it may be worthwhile considering changing courses or universities. Sometimes a different course or university may be more suitable for you and your interests or learning style. Do your research to find the best option for you, and if you need any advice, speak to your academic advisor for guidance.


Studying abroad can be a fantastic opportunity, but it's also important to recognise that challenges and setbacks may arise. Failing a module(s) in your UK preparatory or presessional course is one such challenge, but it is not insurmountable. By taking a careful and structured approach to assess, seek help, and aim to overcome the root cause(s) of the issue, you can still successfully pursue your academic goals in the UK.


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