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教育 2023年09月17日 06:35 60 琥珀街作者


Studying abroad is often seen as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore different cultures and gain international experience. However, in my case, it turned out to be a decision that I regretted almost immediately. After spending one year studying in the UK, I ended up wishing I had never gone. In this article, I will share my experience and explain why I regret going to the UK to study.

Academic Pressure

One of the biggest reasons why I regretted studying in the UK was the amount of academic pressure that I experienced. The education system in the UK is very different from what I was used to back home, and I found it extremely challenging to keep up with the demanding coursework. There were times when I felt completely overwhelmed, and I struggled to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Cultural Differences

Another major factor that contributed to my regret was the cultural differences that I encountered. Despite having traveled extensively before, I found it difficult to adjust to the British culture. From the way people dressed to the food they ate, everything seemed so different from what I was used to. I also found it difficult to make friends with locals, and I often felt isolated and alone.

Financial Burden

Studying in the UK is notoriously expensive, and my year there was no exception. The cost of tuition, housing, food, and other expenses added up quickly, and I found myself struggling to make ends meet. I had to work part-time to support myself, and this added even more stress to my already overwhelming workload. At times, I wondered if it was worth it to put myself into so much debt just for the sake of studying abroad.


Being away from home for an extended period of time is never easy, and I found myself feeling incredibly homesick during my year in the UK. I missed my family and friends back home, and I longed for the familiar comforts of my own culture. No matter how hard I tried to immerse myself in the British way of life, I never quite felt like I belonged.


In conclusion, studying abroad can be a wonderful experience for many, but it was not the same for me. After one long year in the UK, I regretted my decision to go. The academic pressure, cultural differences, financial burden, and homesickness all contributed to a year that was filled with stress and unhappiness. In hindsight, I wish that I had stayed home and pursued my education there instead. While it was a tough lesson to learn, I now know that studying abroad is not for everyone.


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