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科技 2023年09月15日 07:42 76 琥珀街作者

China's Aerospace Achievements

China has made remarkable progress in aerospace technology, with major breakthroughs and achievements in recent years. From manned space missions to deep space exploration, China's aerospace industry has made significant strides and set new records. In this article, we will discuss some of the latest achievements that China has made in aerospace technology.

Manned Space Missions

China's manned space program, known as Shenzhou, has achieved great success in recent years with six successful manned missions launched since 2003. The latest mission, Shenzhou 12, launched on June 17, 2021, carrying three astronauts to the core module of China's space station. The mission was completed spectacularly, with the three astronauts safely returning to Earth after completing their tasks.

Exploration of Mars

On February 10, 2021, China's first Mars exploration mission, Tianwen-1, successfully entered orbit around the red planet after a six-and-a-half-month journey. On May 15, 2021, China successfully landed its Mars rover, Zhurong, on the surface of Mars, making China only the second country in history to successfully land and operate a rover on Mars. The Zhurong rover will collect scientific data and search for evidence of water and signs of potential past life on the planet.

Deep Space Exploration

China has also made great strides in deep space exploration. On January 3, 2019, China's Chang'e-4 mission became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon, a major milestone in space exploration. Following on from that achievement, on December 1, 2020, China launched Chang'e 5, which successfully landed on the moon, collected samples, and returned to Earth, making China only the third country in history to bring back lunar samples.

Satellite Technology

China has made significant advances in satellite technology, including advances in satellite-based navigation and communication systems. China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System, which provides global navigation coverage, was completed in June 2020. The system has become an important tool for China's aerospace industry as well as for military and civilian use around the world. Additionally, China's X-ray pulsar-based navigation technology, which uses pulsars to precisely calculate the position of a spacecraft, has been successfully demonstrated.


China's aerospace industry has made significant achievements in recent years, setting new records and reaching new heights. From manned space missions to deep space exploration and satellite technology, China has proven itself to be a major player in space technology. With a strong commitment to innovation and a willingness to push the boundaries of what is possible, China's aerospace industry is poised to make even more remarkable achievements in the years ahead.


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