什么是洛克王国? 洛克王国是一款流行的在线游戏,拥有数百万用户。该游戏有许多功能,包括捕捉各种不同的宠物。玩家可以成为游戏中的明星,用自己的方式探索...
2023-11-10 1721
Steam Golem, also known as Blitzcrank, is a powerful champion in League of Legends. His abilities revolve around his metallic arms, making him a dominant force in the game. In this article, we will explore the best recommended builds for Steam Golem to enhance his effectiveness on the battlefield.
For an early game build, it's recommended to start with a Doran's Shield and a Health Potion. The shield provides necessary defense while the potion helps with staying in the lane. After that, build a Sheen and boots to increase movement speed and enhance damage output. This will allow Steam Golem to poke down enemies and quickly retreat.
During the mid game, Steam Golem needs to be even more aggressive in his approach. Get a Trinity Force and Mercury Treads to increase both mobility and damage output while decreasing crowd control effects. Adding a Dead Man's Plate will provide even more movement speed and damage reduction, making Steam Golem even more difficult to take down.
In the late game, Steam Golem needs to be able to handle massive amounts of damage while putting out high levels of damage. Consider adding a Frozen Heart, Warmog's Armor, and a Guardian Angel to achieve this. The Frozen Heart will provide a significant amount of armor, the Warmog's Armor will restore health over time, and the Guardian Angel will revive Steam Golem upon his death.
The ability sequence for Steam Golem is critical for effective gameplay. Start with Rocket Grab first to pull enemies towards him. After that, get Overdrive to increase both damage output and movement speed. Finally, Power Fist should be upgraded to increase overall damage output. Of course, you should always upgrade Steam Golem's ultimate ability (Static Field) when available as well.
The recommended Summoner Spells for Steam Golem are Flash and Ignite. Flash allows Steam Golem to quickly escape or initiate a fight. Ignite is useful for dealing damage over time and reducing healing abilities of enemies. However, depending on the situation, other summoner spells like Exhaust can also be used to slow down enemies or reduce their damage output.
Steam Golem is a champion that requires quick thinking, strategic decision-making, and precise execution during gameplay. With the right build and ability sequence, Steam Golem can be an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Consider the above recommendations for the best out of Steam Golem in League of Legends.
什么是洛克王国? 洛克王国是一款流行的在线游戏,拥有数百万用户。该游戏有许多功能,包括捕捉各种不同的宠物。玩家可以成为游戏中的明星,用自己的方式探索...
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