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游戏 2023年09月13日 18:03 109 琥珀街作者


The newest addition to the League of Legends roster is none other than the formidable Sheriff of Piltover, Vi. This powerful brawler is known for her no-nonsense attitude and her ability to take down even the most skilled opponents. In this article, we'll dive into what makes Vi such a formidable champion and what players can expect from her in the game.

Vi's Abilities

Vi's kit is designed to emphasize her brute strength and explosive power. Her passive, Blast Shield, grants her a shield every time she uses an ability, providing her with extra durability in fights. Her Q ability, Vault Breaker, allows her to charge forward and slam into her enemies, dealing damage and knocking them up. Her W ability, Denting Blows, makes her basic attacks deal extra damage and reduce her target's armor. Her E ability, Excessive Force, allows her to unleash a powerful punch that deals damage to all enemies in a cone in front of her. Finally, her ultimate ability, Assault and Battery, allows her to charge towards a target enemy champion, dealing massive damage and knocking them up.

Playing Vi

When playing Vi, it's important to keep in mind her strengths and weaknesses. She excels at diving into fights and dealing damage to multiple enemies at once. Her Vault Breaker and Assault and Battery abilities make her particularly effective at singling out priority targets, such as enemy carries or squishy mages. However, she can struggle against opponents who have a lot of crowd control or can kite her effectively. To maximize her damage output, it's important to make good use of her passive and her W ability, which both allow her to deal extra damage.

Countering Vi

If you're facing off against a Vi in lane, there are a few things you can do to make life difficult for her. First and foremost, try to avoid her Q ability, Vault Breaker. If she manages to hit you with this ability, she can follow up with her other attacks and quickly take you down. Additionally, be aware of her ultimate ability, Assault and Battery. This ability allows her to charge towards you from long range, so try to stay out of her line of sight if possible. Finally, consider picking a champion with good crowd control or kiting abilities to deal with her. Champions like Janna or Lulu can use their abilities to keep her at bay, while champions like Vayne or Lucian can quickly dodge her attacks and reposition themselves to deal damage.


The Sheriff of Piltover has arrived in the League of Legends, and she's brought her explosive brand of justice with her. With her powerful abilities and no-nonsense attitude, Vi is sure to become a favorite pick for players who love to dive into fights and deal tons of damage. Whether you're playing as her or against her, it's important to keep in mind her strengths and weaknesses to maximize your chances of success.


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