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游戏 2023年09月13日 19:22 105 琥珀街作者


In the world of League of Legends, Demacia's prince Jarvan IV is a versatile champion that can be played in various roles and positions. Whether you prefer to play him as a tanky top laner or a bursty assassin in the jungle, Jarvan IV can be a solid pick for your team. However, to fully utilize his potential, it is important to know which items to build for him. In this article, we will recommend some essential items and explain how they can benefit Jarvan IV's kit.

Starting Items

As with most champions, Jarvan IV should start the game with a few key items. At the beginning of the match, we recommend purchasing Hunter's Talisman and Refillable Potion as your starting items. Hunter's Talisman will give Jarvan IV bonus mana regeneration when killing monsters, which will help him sustain in the jungle. Refillable Potion will also increase his survivability and give him an additional source of healing during the early game. These two items will help him clear his jungle faster and allow him to gank lanes more efficiently.

Core Items

When it comes to core items, there are several options for Jarvan IV depending on how you want to play him. If you want to build tanky and be a frontline for your team, then Sunfire Cape and Dead Man's Plate are great options. Sunfire Cape will provide you with bonus armor and health, as well as damage to nearby enemies. Dead Man's Plate will increase your movement speed and give you bonus damage on your next basic attack. These two items will make you a tough target to take down and allow you to crowd control enemies with your abilities.

If you prefer to play Jarvan IV as a damage dealer, then Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra are excellent core items. Trinity Force will give you bonus attack speed, damage, and ability power, as well as a chance to slow your enemies on hit. Ravenous Hydra will enhance your auto-attacks and most importantly, give you the AOE damage you need to clear waves and camps much faster. With these items, Jarvan IV can dish out damage to the enemy team while being relatively mobile and difficult to pin down.

Situational Items

Finally, there are a variety of situational items that you can build on Jarvan IV depending on the needs of your team and the enemy team's composition. For example, if the enemy team is heavy on magic damage, then Spirit Visage can be a great item to increase your magic resistance and healing. On the other hand, if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage, Randuin's Omen can be a useful item to give you more armor and health, as well as decrease the attack speed of nearby enemies. Guardian Angel can also be a game-changer, as it can revive you after taking lethal damage in team fights. This item can be a great option if you are finding that you are getting focused and taken out too quickly in fights.


Overall, Jarvan IV is a powerful champion that can be built a variety of ways depending on your playstyle and the needs of your team. Whether you prefer to play him as a tank or an assassin, there are items that can help you optimize his kit and carry your team to victory. Remember to experiment with different builds and find the ones that work best for you, and don't be afraid to adjust on the fly based on the enemy team's composition.


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